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Bitmap Graphics

Antialiasing, Interpolation: see previous lecture notes.

XNA Game Studio

Microsoft XNA Game Studio 2.0 is an add-on to Microsoft Visual C# Express 2005 and Microsoft Visual Studio 2005. The 2008 versions are not currently supported. XNA Game Studio contains a cross-platform framework to develop games (and other software) for Windows PCs and the Xbox 360. On the Xbox 360, the games use a specific .NET runtime. To transfer one's games to the Xbox 360, one needs a (paid) subscription to the XNA Creators Club.

XNA Game Studio is based on a .NET class library that contains a game loop, wraps DirectX (formerly realized through Managed DirectX), controls audio playback, handles keyboard, mouse, and Xbox 360 controller, and manages the assets (textures, 3D models, animations, sounds, ...) of the application. XNA Game Studio also extends the development environment by asset management features that work hand in hand with the “Content Pipeline” classes. Audio content is produced in a software called XACT, which is included with XNA Game Studio.